Cam Communicates: Helping Families Communicate One Device at a Time

Communication allows us to express our thoughts, needs, and emotions, forging connections and building relationships. Children and adults with complex communication needs may express themselves in ways other than talking. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices have emerged as powerful tools which enhance independence, foster a sense of agency and boost self-esteem. These devices also promote social interaction, expand educational opportunities and strengthen emotional expression and well-being.
As parents of a child who is considered non-verbal, and utilizes an AAC device, we were thrilled to talk with the mom and family behind Cam Communicates. We were fortunate that Brayden was provided an AAC device through the public school system initially and eventually we were able to get his own personal device covered through insurance. However, without the support of a school system or insurance, these devices are costly, creating a significant barrier for many families. Cam Communicates is a non-profit on a mission to make these devices more accessible. 
Kimberly Witcher, a local (to us) mom, knew her son, Camron would benefit from an AAC device. Camron is Autistic and non-verbal. Kimberly quickly realized how challenging the process could be. Despite the hurdles in getting the device, Kimberly says as soon as they had it “Camron started turning the corner in being able to communicate and thrive.”
She shared her experience on social media and received several responses from families who were denied by schools and insurance companies. Now Cam Communicates purchases refurbished devices and the license for Proloquo and installs it on the device. When families pick up the device, it is ready to use.
The need within our community is evident as Cam Communicates currently has a waiting list. The families on the waiting list are depending on the support of community. Raising awareness about Cam Communicates and AAC devices, in general, is essential for fostering inclusivity and building a more accessible future for all people. By educating others about these technologies, we can help create understanding and acceptance, reducing stigma and promoting support. Additionally, Cam Communicates is 100% reliant on donations and any and every amount moves a family closer to a device. We hope you consider visiting Cam Communicates’ website, Instagram or Facebook.

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